Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Some Soul Healing (Ya Know, Hopefully)

Still battling the jetlag, I keep thinking about our dinner the first night and Christopher’s question about why we all decided to come on this trip. My answer was something along the lines of experiencing the culture and that it would hopefully help me to stop overthinking theater and plays because it stops me from really understanding them or doesn’t let me really walk away from the play feeling what I’m feeling.  Another big reason (maybe bigger than the reason I listed above) is that I have a lot of people in my life who have done a lot of traveling and I have grown into who I am today thinking that traveling is something that everyone needs or should do if they have the chance.  Since I started at Mason Gross I thought I wouldn’t have the chance to study abroad so this trip was sort of a godsent to me.  I have 3 very important women in my life who have traveled all over the world when they were my age and they have never said anything negative about traveling and have told me so many amazing stories from when they traveled around the world.  So I also came here not only because of the theater or because I was raised knowing that I should, but because I think it will be good for my actual self and think it’s something that my soul actually needs.  (Not to make this too dramatic but) this past year has been a lot for me emotionally and I think this chance to let go of all that, and all the normalcy and routine at home and to get a little break from my friends and my Mason Gross family (even though I love them).  I just hope I don’t get sucked into a routine here…


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