die Wiederholung - iteration
die Regelmäßigkeit - regularity/orderliness
gespannt - excited
fangen - to capture/catch/trap
die Aufführung - performance/show/act
sinnlos - useless/meaningless
trennen - to isolate/to separate
"und so fort" - and so forth
feucht - damp/humid
begreifen - to understand/to recognize
The girl's chorus was often referred to as what sounded to me like "Teamfäch." While team easily translates to team, Fäch is not so simple. In fact, it doesn't appear to be a word in Hochdeutsch (non-dialect German) at all. A google search informed me that Fäch is the Cologne-dialect word for Frau, which means woman. Was our PJ-wearing chorus being referred to as a team of women? Perhaps. Or, more likely, I just misheard the word.
der Rasen - grass
(un)bequem - (un)comfortable !!
umgeben - to surround
das Vertrauen - trust/confidence/faith
seltsam - strange/odd/peculiar
die Aufführung - performance/show/act
ähnlich - similar/alike
zeugen - to sire/to father/to bespeak/ to testify
ausbauen - to reconstruct/to restore
feucht - clammy/moist/damp/humid
verfallen - to decay/deteriorate
einüben - to practice/rehearse
heilig - holy/sacred/saintly
aufgeregt - excited/nervous/rash
das Taschentuch - handkerchief (Taschen meaning pocket and tuch meaning cloth/kerchief; pocket kerchief instead of handkerchief!)
der Überfluss - abundance/glut/affluence (über meaning over and Fluss meaning flow; overflowing)
großmütig - noble/lordly/magnanimous
Hahnrei - cuckold
der Betrug - deception/fraud/deceit
die Niederlage - defeat
angerichtet - to wreak/damage/harm
die Hure - whore
die Weide - willow
verfassen - to compose
körperbetont - figure-accentuating
auffordern - to prompt/invite/request
geschehen - to happen/occur/take place
die Verbindung - connection/contact/bond
sündig - sinful/errant/unrighteous
das Rätsel - mystery/puzzle/enigma
die Bewegung - movement/exercise/motion
schlau - clever/artful/cute
der Leberfleck - beauty mark (or liver spot if you want to translate it literally)
die Oberfläche - surface/ground level
die Vorwürfe - criticism/reproval/reproach
schweben - to float/hover/poise
der Duft - smell/fragenerance
befallen - to attack/to infest
beugen - to bend/bow
locken - to decoy/bait
fauchen - to growl in a guttural fashion/ to spit
geistig - mental/intellectual/spiritual
entblößen - to strip/uncover/disrobe
aufgetragen - this one has so many different meanings and I no longer remember the context for this word. Here are some of the definitions:
- to fill
- to coat
- to deposit
- to lay off
- to lay on
- to outline
- to put on
- to dish up
- to apply
- to spread
- to build
- to charge
- to assign
Do any of these words jump out at you? Is there a part of the show that resonates with a certain definition? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
der Flimmer - flicker/glimmer
schlaff - flaccid/saggy/loose
belastbar - resilient
der Kegelsport - bowling (Kegel meaning pin/cone)
das Gespür - intuition
das Selbstvertrauen - self-confidence
Vorstellungsgespräch - job interview (Gespräch means conversation. Vorstellungs means ideational/ideative. However, Vorstellung (no s) means performance. I don't know which word this one is derived from, and though it seems more likely that it's the latter, I'd like to think it's the former. A job interview as just a conversation about ideas sounds much less scary than a conversation where you are performing.)
der Wahnsinn - insanity/madness/lunacy (the adjective version of this word, wahnsinnig, can be found in my vocab post about Hamlet!)
der Stoff - material/fabric
die Hingabe - surrender
reichen - to smell
verspannt - tensed up/uptight
angefasst - to touch
kneifen - to pinch
die Belästigung - harassment
der Scherz - joke/fun
Let's talk about the title. Abgrund means abyss. They said it at some point in the show, pretty early on, before anything really went down. But in the surtitles, it seemed to be translated as dark side. I think this translation makes perfect sense for the story being told.
fließen - to flow
die Blase - kettle
unbedingt - absolutely
Vögeln - to fuck/shag
das Scheidungskind - child of divorce
die Laune - whimsy/fancy
schwört - to swear/to vow
die Depesche - telegram
die Flotte - liquor
entzückt - delighted
senken - to dip/lower/sink
ahnen - to suspect
klopfen - to knock
löschen - to delete/purge
zart - tender/delicate/frail
der Gatte - spouse/husband
herrlich - magnificent/glorious
sacht - gentle
der Wert - value/merit
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