Monday, May 27, 2019

Learned Words - Hamlet to HE? SHE? ME! FREE.

What's that you say? You loved learning some German vocab words? And you loved discovering what meanings they gave to the piece they were learned from? And you want MORE vocab lists? Well, I'm glad you asked.

wahnsinnig - mad

der Zweifel - doubt

die Muschi - pussy

gebeten - past tense of bitten, which means to request

unschuldig - innocent/inculpable
Look back at my Professor Bernhardi vocab list as a reminder about un prefixes and the word schuldig.

tauschen - to swap/trade

der Becher - cup

Learned from the surtitles, in case anyone was wondering how I understood Czech. I didn't. 

die Masse - bulk/mass/regiment/compound/earth

die Schaffenskraft - creative power/creativeness
Schaffen means to create. Kraft means power

einkehren - to stop for a bite to eat

die Antibabypille - birth control pill
Another thing I love about German - the language is often very direct. 

die Ampel - traffic light
Ampelmann! Traffic light man! 

die Sägespänen - sawdust

die Truppen - troops/forces

platt - flat

WK - abbreviation for World War, Weltkrieg

litten - past tense of leiden, meaning to suffer
More on leiden in my previous vocab post.

die Kreissäge - circular saw/buzz saw

geschehen - to happen/to occur

der Weltraum - outerspace
Welt = world and Raum = room/space

siegen - to win/to conquer

der Begriff - term/definition/concept

das Verhältnis - affair/relationship

genötigt - coerced/constrained

die Unterdrückung - repression/suppression/depression/oppression

Straf - correctional/punitive/penal

der Zwitter - hermaphrodite/intersex person
Note: I believe this word as well as the English translation "hermaphrodite" to have an attached stigma/derogatory connotation associated with it. 

die Gesamtheit - entirety/totality

die Leidenschaft - passion/fervor
Leid just keeps resurfacing in more and more words!

der Verrat - betrayal

treiben - to force/to push

der Schwanz - cock/pecker/dong/weenie/knob/prick/putz/dick/weener

eben - flat/smooth/even

Before I peace out, I'd just like to say that I'm learning so much and it makes me so happy!!! Hope you are too!!

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