Thursday, May 30, 2019

Style as Superficial

On Gob Squad's "Creation (Pictures for Dorian)"

Gob Squad's "Creation (Pictures for Dorian)" left me hungry. I was moved by the innocent selfie face and the drag queen and hearing the old ballerina say "muscle memory." But I still, like I said, wanted more. 
Gob Squad Promotional Image for "Creation (Pictures for Dorian). 2019.
 I found the concept similar to that of their early work, "What Are You Looking At?" The space was similar, the props were similar, and the idea of voyeurism was similar, as well. That, however, did not bother me.
Gob Squad Participant in Selfie Pose. 2019.
I was, at my core, underwhelmed by the style. Does that sound snooty? It makes me feel snooty. Am I snooty? I'm not sure, and I'm afraid to find out.
I found the untouched black box space tiring and colors thoughtless. Messy staging confused and distracted me. In fact, the lack of conceptualization distracted me throughout the piece.
Gob Squad Participant in Projected Pose. 2019.
Does this negate the "Worthiness" of this particular piece? Absolutely not. Like I said before, I was moved and silenced by it.
Does this say something about my own understanding of what makes something worthy to put before the eyes of myself and others? Yes, I think so.
I also think that what I'm discovering in that regard is exactly one of the many topics touched upon in "Creation (Pictures for Dorian)."
What needs to be added to the perfection of humanity in order to be seen? Are we not perfect simply standing bare?
It is something I must confront in my own artistry. I am a director with a profound appreciation for aesthetic. What am I without it?

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