Saturday, June 11, 2016


I'm becoming increasingly more aware of the importance of the body/movement on stage. The blocking of Wallenstein was pretty dope---wasn't a huge fan of the show, though. But what really got me was Richard. Oh my GOD.

Knees buckled together. Back slouched and hunched. Fingers deformed. The list goes on. I can't imagine how much work it must have taken to train his body to bend and fold the way it did. If his acting wasn't enough, the physical embodiment of his character had me completely mesmerized. I appreciated this performance so much. I haven't had the opportunity to take many movement classes, but this performance will undoubtedly change how I carry myself on stage.

I have been to few shows that have made me feel physical discomfort as a direct result of happenings on stage. Richard's gluttony, the way he stuffed his cheeks full of disgusting foods, his consistent hacking and spitting, and how he covered himself and others in food actually made me nauseous and uncomfortable. I was super anxious at the start of the show because I thought one of the party-goers in the opening scene was going to puke on me or throw food/drinks on me. It was insane. I'm a person that does well with gore, blood, things others might find disgusting. But i was super grossed out tonight and I loved every minute of it.

Richard actually came up to me and plucked confetti out of my cleavage during the show. Talk about breaking the fourth wall...

I am going to miss German theatre so much.

1 comment:

  1. Oddly enough, I saw a woman on the street today walking almost exactly as he did in the show. So not only was his movement incredibly theatrical, it was based in reality as well, helping him feel human...
