Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Obstacle to Happiness

I've been thinking about writing this poem for a few days, and in light of tonight's show, I thought it would be appropriate.

A city that sparkles in the night.
A painting which grasps your attention from across a room.
A meal so delectable, your mouth waters simply imagining it.
That person that looks as if they were carved by a great artist.
What do they have in common?
You fall in love with each.
But it's moments in each situation
That prove or falter our love.
And for some,
Love hasn't been easy to come by.
False accusations drawn by the heart and mind
Play spells on the truth.
These blur our ideas on reality.
Thus make our subconscious take over.
Days go by, and still no answer.
Because only time will tell 
What city, art, or person
We will truly fall for some day.

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