Monday, June 3, 2019

The Meininger might be the death of me

I have yet to have a good add nights sleep at the Meininger because the cacauphiny of trains, abuleences and screams I hear at all times of the night and early morning. Every evening and early early morning I find myself laying in bed VERY aware of all the sounds I hear. In the moment I think I am too aware, unable to fall back asleep because I can still hear the ambulance sound still ringing in my ear though it is long gone. You would think that a girl who lives off of Calle ocho would be used to the sounds of the city. I apparently got a different Miami experience, though I do remember hearing gun shots outside my house many times but that’s besides the point. I have been thinking a lot about sound and how my body deals with sound (whether it be on the train or in the theatre, etc).

The last show at Schaubühne, you know the one that was literally ASMR, was  quite frightening for me because I could hear every. Single. Sound., it was like I couldn’t escape. It was like claustrophobia but with sound. I felt almost helpless and anxious sitting there, knowing that this isn’t going to stop and I can’t stop it, I have to just sit there and endure it. While it started off as anxiety inducing (thought y’all need to know I LOVE ASMR), the more it continued the more it felt like it aided in having me feel and experience the story being told.This is because I had become not only bombarded with sound but I was sensitive to it, being able to identifying whose chewing and shifting from each character.  Does that mean I have just beeen living my life in a bubble, purposely (or not) ignoring all the sounds and craziness around me? A character in the play said a line about how she wishes she could escape and as I sit here writing this a few grown ass men sound as if they are crying/making animal noises outside my window. I feel for her and I feel like I in this moment do not have my own space and I feel a if I am constantly surrounded by noise. Like not going to lie but I think I'm going a little mad. Its like every sound is a new piece of information that my brain is trying to process but its lagging because too much is coming in too fast. 

So, sounds. 

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