Another Look at Jessie's Front Camera
Meininger Emergency Stairwell Selfie. 2019. |
Welcome back to another week with my selfie-saturated camera roll. I feel as though I took less this week given that I am becoming increasingly frustrated with my moppy head of hair. If you know of any good, English-speaking "haircutteries" in Berlin, please let me know.
Following "Remote Mitte," one might find me using Meininger's emergency stairwell more oft than the elevator. Not only have I discovered that the elevators are ridiculously inefficient, but Rachel reminded me that consistently taking the stairs can lengthen one's lifespan. Choose life everyday, people!
Pre-"Cry Baby" Selfie at Deutches Theatre. 2019. |
One thing that Christopher mentioned was a difference in audience for the various theaters, specifically Deutches Theatre (if I can remember correctly). For each show I have made a conscious effort to swivel around and take a look at my fellow audience members, clocking markers of race, age, class, gender, etc. At Deutches, I noticed perhaps some shorter haircuts on women and a couple of openly queer couples. Other than that, it seemed the same as usual. White and predominantly heteronormative.
"Cry Baby" was certainly not my favorite show that we have seen here. I felt very lost; The design and direction provided me no solace. The one thing I did eat right up was the chorus of teenage girls in colorful silk pajamas. What weird creatures teenage girls are, and what forces to be reckoned with. Every piece from now on must have a gaggle of teen girlies. My rules. Everyone must abide by them, or your theater license must needs be revoked.
Bode Museum Bathroom Mirror Selfie. 2019. |
Museum day! Starting the day off at the Deutches Historisches Museum was powerful. I had a very strong education in European history in high school (among other things), so seeing a more physical representation of that timeline was incredibly enriching to my previous knowledge. The history of Germany is so recent and so, so complicated. There have been so many twists and turns and attempts to make things right, better, or simply something new. It is so easy to look at something that already happened and talk big game about how you could have avoided making the mistakes that those who lived it stumbled over. In truth, our ancestors will snicker at our mistakes and how they could have fixed everything, if only they had been there. It is not always so simple when you are the one piecing the moments together to see the bird's eye view or know what is to come. Consequences are avoidable when they are predictable, and nothing is ever predictable when you are living for the first time.
Pre-"Lulu Premiere Selfie at Ackerstrasse. 2019. |
Oh, "Lulu." What a strange creature this production was. Pieced together, mutilated by your director. Ouch. This had me feeling all sorts of ways going into my own experience with "Lulu" this fall. I actually got scared that I would be a part of a production that is more harmful than it is good. Nightmare fodder. Will I be able to stop the train wreck if I see it going the same way?
Pre-Brunch Mirror Selfie at Ackerstrasse. 2019. |
Finally, our midway point. Motion Europe is halfway done! This has been such a lovely experience. I feel like I've learned so much thus far, and my understanding of my own potential as an artist has grown. Until the next selfie!
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